Profesh2016 from Arthur Hash
This course is intended to be an interactive
lecture class. A series of distinctly varied individuals active in the field of jewelry will
be invited to make presentation about their professional development. These
diverging presentations
are intended to offer
a catalyst to stimulate questions,
encourage group discussion. Among the subjects to
presented are: individual studio practice, designing for industry, gallery
connections, non-profit opportunities, partnerships, global opportunities,
curatorial and journalistic prospects, wide world of the web, post graduation
educational options, support systems for RISD alumni, residency prospects, technology as resource for design and production, and studio budgets and spreadsheets.
This course will introduce students to general
business and professional practices that are relevant to the fine arts and
particularly related to contemporary jewelry. Our focus will be on career
preparation and personal development.
Topics to be covered include:
- building and
maintaining a current portfolio
- writing
your biography and resume (or curriculum vitae)
- setting
goals and career planning
- approaches
to working with galleries and museums
- techniques
for exhibiting your work in galleries, museums, shows, or other
alternative spaces
- self
promotion and your online presence
- making
connections and networking
- writing
for grants, proposals, and residencies
- studio
setup and ways of working
- research
and approaches to coming up with ideas
- Excel spreadsheets and bookkeeping
is mandatory. Not only is this common
courtesy, but missing a class, being late, unprepared, etc. affects your
performance and my ability to conduct class and help others at the most
effective level. Only 1 absence will be excused.
Any additional absences will lower your final grade by HALF of one
letter grade for each additional absence. You may work off an absence by:
writing a 2-page analysis/ reaction to a show/visiting artist lecture. This is
an academic and research based essay so it should be written as such with
adequate importance placed upon content, structure, spelling and grammar. This paper will be accepted no later than two
weeks before the final class day.
and Q AND A sessions will be held during and following visiting artists and
field trips. Attendance and participation is required and count toward your
final grade. Students are required to
prepare questions in advance for all of our guests. I will remind you but
please pay attention to the calendar and be ready.
will be assessed by these criteria – active engagement of topic through research,
timely completion of projects, formatting of physical material and
#1 Artist interview = %15
#2 Studio Budget = %15
#3 Artist statement = %15
#4 Professional packet = %20
#5 Production model = %15
participation/Q and A = %20
TOTAL %100
grade of Incomplete will only be awarded on the basis of circumstances
delineated in the RISD student handbook. Please refer to that document for
further information regarding incomplete grades. Late work will be
automatically reduced by one letter grade. Late projects are due within 48
hours of the project due-date, except the final project, which is graded only
on the due-date. You may resubmit a project (except the final project) to
improve your grade to a maximum of a B+. Be aware, turning in projects late or
resubmitting them often compromises work on the next project.
and complete understanding of the concepts introduced by the assignment.
Creative and individual application of these concepts in problem solving.
Sensitive use of materials and tools Extensive participation in class discussion
and critiques. Good work habits.
understanding of the concepts introduced by the assignment. Creative and
individual application of these concepts in problem solving. Good use of
materials and tools Participation in class discussions and critiques. Good work habits.
understanding of the concepts introduced by the assignment. Average application
of these concepts in problem solving. Some understanding of materials and
tools. Limited participation in class
discussions and critiques. Average work
or F
understanding of the concepts introduced by the problem. Poor application of
these concepts in problem solving. Poor
use of materials and tools. Little or no class participation.
= 90-100%, B = 80-90%, C = 70-80%, D = 60-70%,
F = below 59%
I have created a blog specifically geared towards this course. You will
receive short blogging assignments throughout the semester - these assignments
will address specific themes within the context of the course and require you
to understand how to post to a blog.
I ask that you read the blog regularly, post
comments in response to other classmates and my posts, and provide content to
stimulate class topics and discussions. The blog can be an active part of your
senior degree project year and is an opportunity for you to share helpful
information with each other.
Class attendance is obviously required. I would
like you to be active participants in the discussions and class exercises. In
keeping with our professional practices theme, I will only accept work on time.
Being professional means no excuses for lack of planning and time management.
You must meet deadlines and budget your time accordingly. You should all be courteous and professional
when engaging our guests.
and Safety Disclosure
course and all Metal Arts courses at RISD pose potential health risks to people
with dust and chemical allergies, as well as to women who are pregnant. Please
consult your physician with questions as to your particular situation. If you
have a medical situation in class, please inform the instructor and your
doctor. Students enrolled in Metal Arts courses are expected to abide by safety
rules when working in the studio. If a student is not following proper safety
regulations, they may be asked to drop the course. Please notify the instructor at the beginning
of class if you have special needs and require the assistance to complete the
assigned work.
Numbers: Police and
Fire 911 Off Campus: 401 454-6666 On Campus: Public safety ext:6666
#1 Artist Interview 2-3 pages
This exercise will require you to identify a jewelry artist or designer that you find inspirational and are working in ways that interest you.
You will be
required to contact an artist and interview them about their current practice.
This will ideally be done using Skype, although phone and email can also be
part of it.
During class, you will make a short 10-minute presentation about
your chosen artist and describe to the class what you learned. You will also
hand in a written transcript of your conversation and a 1-page reflection
If you would like to go on location to do your interview you may submit a short video. You should only do this if you feel that you and your artist are comfortable with this format. You will also need to be familiar with editing software.
Here are a few tips when conducting your interview
First, do your research. I have found that even the most planned interviews (think typed list of organized questions, lots of time, quiet interview location) have a peculiar way of going awry. It’s good to have a framework to base your questions on, but understand that the natural course of conversation, and small bits of information the artist brings up, may lead to better or deeper conversation on the topic. This is why a broad understanding of the artist’s work is helpful. Also, what is the scholarly basis for the exhibition or work for which you are gathering material? This may sound elementary, but you don’t want to base your line of questions around an artist’s use of materials when the curator is expounding on spiritual influences in the show.
Know your audience- and your interviewee. Who are you interviewing? Who will watch the resulting video? A famed scholar or author will require a different form of questioning than an emerging artist. Likewise, the resulting videos will have different audiences. Determining who it is that you are working with, and for whom, will lead to a stronger outcome.
Be respectful, but ask the hard questions. This makes me feel like I’m trying to be Oprah. However, I think it can be easy to ask surface questions or let the interviewee gloss over something which is vital to the understanding of their point of view. By understanding who the audience is, I can re-frame questions when I feel that the artist is simplifying or missing a key point. Following the thread of what the artist is saying is how to get the richest, most meaningful content.
Make it a conversation. Very little to none of my face or voice ends up in the final product, however, having a lively or engaged discussion with an artist results in better, more useful or dynamic footage. The person being interviewed may be uncomfortable, so creating a relaxed environment where they can feel comfortable to think about what they would like to say or pause for a breath is key. A sense of humor goes a long way.
Make steady eye contact, smile, but don’t be creepy, and don’t make any noise. This is harder than it sounds. I have found that I am an automatic “mhmmmm”-er. I had to work very hard to stop these conversational soothers. I have replaced this with ardent, almost nonstop, nodding (I only occasionally notice I am doing it!) Again, I try to not look too crazy. I think this is my unspoken cue to my interviewee that I am keenly listening to what they are saying.
Speaking of- Listen! This can be especially hard in an uncomfortable situation; my mind tends to race ahead to the next question when I am nervous. However, this is the most important part of being the interviewer.
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