For the purposes of self promotion, you are to create a professional packet that will require you to create a series of documents that all professional artists must have available.You will produce a short biography/long biography, an artist statement and a curriculum vita (CV). You will submit drafts of these documents to me, receive feedback and comments, and then revise and finalize your documents.Your packet should be portable, professional, and can be easily modified as your work continues to develop.
You will need to package this information in a way that makes sense with your work. Perhaps a pamphlet, book, CD or even a small format wearable. Be creative.
Your professional packet should be graphically current and be broad enough to send out to numerous applications/galleries/opportunities. It should all be dialed in.
For me: The packet should include a short bio, your CV, your finalized artist statement and images of your work. I want a hard copy and a digital copy.
Just a few things I have noticed editing your CV's, bios, etc.
1. Label your images (sometimes it is hard to tell what it is)
2. Your statement does not need to be long
3. You bio should have something in it about your work
4. Line things up (create columns on your CV but make it consistent)
5. Dates!? (Again, consistency is key. It should make sense. Put things in order most recent first)
6. Edit your photos. (make sure the white is white and the color is balanced)
7. If you are including logos/fancy fonts/color please include all of this in your draft. No surprises.
The last day for draft feedback is Friday December 11th.
Business cards